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The Don

Origin – Honey Process Microlot, Matagalpa, Nicaragua

Variety – Caturra, Bourbon, Pache, Javanica

Elevation – 1330m

Process – Honey

Brown sugar, Honey, Candied Orange


The Don

This honey-processed coffee has been carefully selected for its pure sweetness. Consuming it will highlight exactly what we want a coffee to bring you – simple times and perfect pleasure.  

Coffee Story

Roger Mairena and his wife Isabel farm near the Arenal Nature Reserve in Nicaragua. A stream running through the farm offers clean spring water for washing coffee, and sharing with the local community. 

Don Roger’s degree in agronomy has given him the technical knowledge to turn his plantation into a coffee-loving, environment-enthusiast’s dream. The farm has a special PVC tubing system featuring tiny perforations underneath the groves of trees, to ensure the runoff from washing coffee is filtered by the earth, instead of polluting streams.

Don Roger takes pride in his ability to prune trees with special techniques, and has meticulously trained his Bourbon to grow in even form next to his plot of Caturra. The Mairena Bourbon and Caturra are mixed 50/50 for a delightful cup, featuring notes of delicate citrus, acidity, and juiciness. Their Java is a rare variety adapted from Indonesia that, given the high altitude of the farm, makes for a flavour-packed cup that brings a full-bodied creamy sweetness, with hints of jasmine.

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